Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

What to say? Have you made any resolutions? I would like to challenge you to make a few that don't include losing weight, not snacking, eating healthier, exercising more... you get the picture. I'm not saying that eating healthier and exercising isn't healthy... they are just things you should be focusing on all the time - not just at the start of the year. I kind of think resolutions are over rated actually and as I type that I am wondering where they originated from and am going to Google it and let you know what I find out so just hold on for a moment... it's 9:30pm I'll be right back. Okay it's 9:32 and it has something to do with a guy named Janus and is really not all that interesting.

So other than stuff that resolves around food and exercise... what would you like to work on in your life? Money, relationships, faith, forgiveness, helping others? I would like to encourage you to comment and post a few of your resolutions - you can do it anonymously! There really is nothing better than the support and encouragement of those around you - even if there is no name attached!

To get things started, here are a few of my resolutions; I want to continue on my journey with God and have him be with me in everything I do from day to day - think of him in my decision making and be friends with him. I want to read the Bible (and have already started on that!). I want to bring more faith into our family outside of Church and praying at supper. The girls get their handouts every week at Power Hour and we put them on the fridge but I would actually like to take the time to do some of the activities that are on them.

Resolutions, not including food and exercise... what are yours?


Anonymous said...

Shauna! I'm so proud of you and you are such an inspiration to me as an individual as well as to the MOMS ministry team! I will be praying for you and your resolutions. They are great ones.
Here are some of mine...
-do a devotional of some sort every day
-spending quality time with my children where they have my undevided attention (undevided being the hard part!)
-building and maintaining meaningful friendships
-and I do want to get into better physical shape!

Thanks for the challenge and the encouragement!

Angie said...

Inspiring resolutions ladies! Mine are mainly spiritual, family and health related as well...
- continue to be a good 'Pray at Home Mom' (daily devotionals and praying and recognizing God throughout each day)
- balancing the new baby with Beckett, my husband and some 'me' time
- getting back into pre-baby shape and staying active despite expected exhaustion

MOMS is a great way to fit in 'me' time with the kids and matures my spiritual health at the same time! Perfect combination! Thanks to the ministry team for all your hard work to make it happen!

Helen VK said...

That is awesome Shauna...I love your resolutions!! I usually do not do resolutions because I just disappoint myself. But for this year (and every year!!) I would like to start spending more time with my on one. Building a relationship with them. I also, like you, want to focus on my relationship with God. These last 6 months I have realized how MUCH God loves me. He is always there for me and I am not always there to listen to I want to change that!! Of course I also want to focus on the most important 'earthly' relationship God gave hubby!! So..I guess that means for 2011 I will be building, strengthening and maintaining relationships...which means lots of coffee!!

Anonymous said...

Teri - you rock and I know you will do great with your daily devotional!
Angie - I LOVE the "Pray at Home Mom"... that is sooo great!
Helen - coffee sounds good... and you have been such an inspiration in your relationship with God over the past six months. You truly are an amazing woman!

Nathan & Ashley said...

Great resolutions! What an awesome way to encourage us other moms to challenge ourselves. I really want to focus on my relationships this year. Relationships with myself, my family, my friends and more importantly my relationship with God. I really want those to be a priority this year. I want to be present in everything I do this year. I want to continue to pursue this incredible God who has never given up on me, regardless of how many times I have turned away from Him.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I've just been thinking about this. I'm taking January to seriously consider this topic. Yes, eating healthier and exercising are part of my thoughts. Which is good. I think I needed a reboot to get healthy on the inside. Otherwise, a friend of mine used to have goals in every piece of pie of his life. Work, family, friends, God, body, mind. I don't remember the exact number of pieces of pie but I suspect it can be different for anyone depending how deep they want to get into it and what they can handle on their "to do" list! Ha! They were very specific goals. Number of times per week, minutes/hours per day, etc.
Resolutions and goals can happen at any time of the year, so I'm not too motivated to run myself ragged yet. I'll take it slow.
My goal for now? So far, I just want to get my Twilight party done.