Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Lightswitch Moment

If you would've asked me about my religion prior to 2 years and 2 months ago I would have told you I was "Weddings and Funeral" Catholic. Well, you can throw Christmas in there too but I stopped going to mass at Easter a long time ago. So prior to 2 years and 2 months ago I had been to Church probably about 6 times in about 5 years.

There have been many turning points in my journey with God ranging from a curling iron to new friends... to MOMS. One of the most pivitol "lightswitch" moments came from one of the least expected messages during table talk time at MOMS.

"Submit to one another (your spouse) out of revence for Christ." Ephesians 5:21.

First of all, when I think of the words "submit" and "husband" in the same sentence - my ginchies get in a knot (well, they used to). I mean seriously? You want me to submit to my husband? That's just crazy - I mean we live in a society where women are climbing up the corporate ladder and have careers... we are not dependent on anybody nor do we need to submit to anyone.

But think about this. God gave up his son for us... He let his son die... for us. Now think about your own children. Can you even possibly fathom letting your child die when you have the power to stop it?

How do you thank someone for letting their son die for you? So your sins could be forgiven and you could have everlasting life? How can you possibly thank God for that? Well, the answer is actually quite simple - God wants you to take all that love and thankfullness that you want to shower him with... and give it - or submit - to your husband. There are no words to express how much God loves us - how do you describe a love so strong that you would actually give up your only son?

I recently posted on Facebook that I have asked God to forgive my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I have been praying regularly, reading the Bible and asking God daily to open my heart to him. 2 years ago God started stirring my soul and today I am learning how to look for God in everything I do.

What's your "lightswitch" moment?


Nathan & Ashley said...

I'm so encouraged by your journey Shauna. Keep pressing on towards God! I'm looking forward to watching you grow in your faith!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ashley - I am so blessed to have the support I do throughout my journey!