When you paint a room, cut out the corner of the paint chip that has the name of the color on it and put it behind the lightswitch cover of that room for safekeeping. No need to remember any of those whacky paint names! THEN while I was looking for pictures of paint sample chips to make this entry look a bit more interesting I found this one and thought it was a fantastic idea!

And if you'd like to get a bit more creative... here were some more I found. I don't know about you but I am forever folding the corners of my books cause I can't find anything to save my page. It isn't until recently that I've seriously started using something for a bookmark - even if it's not an actual "bookmark" that you would buy at the store. So I thought this was a pretty cute idea - colorful and pretty much free!

So I started looking for images of a lightswitch cover with a paint chip together and came up with even more great pictures of the many things you can use paint chips for. Thought you might find these interesting... I personally thought the framed art and the tree on the wall was amazingly creative!

Have a great week and maybe you'll be making a trip to the paint store...
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