20 unbaked frozen dinner rolls ( I get them from Safeway in the freezer section)
1C brown sugar
1/4 C instant vanilla pudding mix
2 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 C raisins
1/3 C melted butter
1.Lightly grease a 10inch bundt cake pan. Place frozen rolls into pan and sprinkle with brown sugar, pudding mix, ground cinnamon and raisins. Pour melted butter over rolls. Cover with a clean damp cloth and leave overnight at room temp.
2.In the morning, preheat oven to 350. Bake rolls for 25min, until golden brown. Turn rolls out onto serving plate and serve warm.
I like to add a few extra raisins, but I know some people who omit them all together!
Great idea to finally post this one! Your guests will think you're a master chef when you present them with fresh cinnamon buns in the morning! You can also buy the frozen bun dough at Sobey's - but the Safeway dough rises way better. They come in packages of 12 and that's all I use (I think 20 would be too squishy in the pan) - just cut back on the other ingredients a bit. My other tip is to spray the damp tea towel with Pam before placing it on... helps with the towel sticking to the buns the next morning when you take it off. Unfortunately these are amazingly good... much too amazingly good - you might end up eating them all!
Yes, these are very yummy. I just made them last week for the first time, but my Mother in Law has made them a few times and I had them at MOMS!!! They are so easy.
THANK YOU for posting this recipe. YUMMY! I've been wanting to make these ever since Shelby introduced me to nods.
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