So with the inspiration of Sharnell and the Recipes of the week, I thought I should get back to my tip of the week. With this in mind I started scouring magazines and paying attention to the TV, radio, etc. The best one that I found this week came from the Rachel Ray show that I like to have on as background noise and inspiration when I'm preparing dinner. This week she suggested a potato masher. Although mashed potatoes may be the first thing that come to mind, this is not what Rachel was using it for however. During this particular segment she was browning some ground sausage and her tip was to use a potato masher to break apart the meat as you are frying it rather than attempting to stab it with a wooden spoon (currently the method I used). So the following night I tried it, and it worked great!!! Now why didn't I think of that!
That is an ancient potatoe masher!!! Is that the kind you have? Mine is different and I don't know if it would work for breaking up the meat... wonder if you can still buy those?
That is a GREAT idea Teri...or should I say Rachel!! I have one and never thought of using it for that!!
Shauna...you can buy them still. I just bought mine before Christmas time at Ex Fds. I love it!!
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