Well this quote that I'm leaving with you today has quite an emotional story behind it. It is about a lady that I know. She had a little girl pass away from cancer at the age of 2. Her story is a long and emotional one to say the least. At the funeral for her daughter I went up to give her a hug and ended up being the one bawling my eyes out and her comforting me! I told her that she was the strongest person I have ever met. All she could say was it was God and not her. If God were not with her she would be a wreck. Anyway, fast forward to today and she has made a beautiful quilt that she is raffling off and the money raised is going toward the Small Hands Initiative and the Childhood Cancer Foundation. When you look at the picture of the quilt think of this:
When your life is shattered, you can let the pieces stay in a pile, or let God put them together to create something even more beautiful.
All the broken pieces of your life are nothing more than the beautiful mosaic of your future.
I'm not sure who to give credit to for the quotes, but I thought they were beautiful, as well as something we can all learn from no matter what the situations are in our life.
Check out her web page for more info:
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